Professional Learning

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Registration for 
SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program 2023-24
is now Open! 

The SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program (LPLP) provides a unique and innovative approach to professional learning for Montana school leaders designed to be responsive to the challenges administrators face each day. 

One of the goals at SAM is to ensure that each school administrator has the support necessary to achieve every success possible, both in their role as an administrator and individually.   A highlight of the program is the opportunity to receive one-on-one coaching and mentoring from a provider - an experienced Montana administrator. This personalized support and guidance will help administrators tackle the unique issues they face in their role as education leaders. SAM LPLP providers meet both face-to-face and virtually with LPLP members proving to be dedicated experts, helping administrators navigate complex situations and providing valuable insights.  SAM LPLP aims to be a valuable resource to save time and not require additional time or tasks. With a provider by their side, administrators will have a trusted individual to turn to whenever they have questions or need guidance.

SAM LPLP is an exclusive opportunity available to SAM members to participate in the 2023-24 program year for just $500. This cost-effective investment grants administrators access to a wealth of enriching experiences, resources, and personalized support.

The objective of  SAM LPLP is to provide just-in-time, personalized professional learning to Montana educators through research-based strategies resulting in improvements in job satisfaction, administrator longevity, and ultimately to increased student achievement and quality of instruction which will positively impact the education of students across Montana.  

Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with SAM as you invest in your own professional learning as an education leader.

Call the SAM office with any questions you may have.  

Click HERE to Register for SAM LPLP 2023-24!

SEL for Educational Leaders PLC 

Register to participate in the
2023-24 SEL for Educational Leaders PLC 

Do you want to...

  • Reduce workplace stress and burnout to increase retention?
  • Build your capacity for resilience, building relationships, positive communication and effective collaborative practices?
  • Enhance school cultures that ensure effective learning and well-being for every child in your care?

This professional learning initiative is a platform for district/school leaders and teachers to TAKE ACTION to address the educator retention crisis. Educators learn the theory, strategies and practice for applying the research based people skills that build personal resilience, and the critical skills for communicating, managing, and building relationships with colleagues, supervisors, parents
and community with highly effective, positive techniques.The Daily SEL Leader authors, James Bailey and Randy Weiner, will facilitate 8 one-hour virtual presentations from mid-August through mid-November.  Sessions are interactive, content rich, with opportunities for participants to engage and practice skills and exercises which embed the skills in practice.   Additional discussions will be scheduled throughout the rest of the 2023-24 program year and as needed.  SAM is offering this opportunity for just $500.

 More Information:

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Use CORWIN25 for a 25% discount on purchases of the book: 


  Thank you to our generous SAM LPLP Sponsors! 

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SAM LPLP Reports

SAM LPLP Provider Benefits Description 


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SAM Aspiring Principal Certification Program 
Strengthening the Principal Pipeline

SAM Aspiring Principal Certification Nomination/Registration Form
Please submit nominations/registrations by September 8, 2023. 

Why Strengthen the Principal Pipeline?

Principals play an integral role in overseeing and providing the strategic direction of a school/district. In recent years we have found a decline in the number of highly qualified educators applying for administrative positions.

The SAM Aspiring Principal Certification Program is designed to support districts in identifying strong teacher-leader candidates who are committed to developing their educational leadership skills in preparation for becoming a building administrator.

The SAM organization is partnering with local districts to help facilitate the development of these future local leaders through one-hour monthly evening academy sessions focused on leadership development and a glimpse of administrative responsibilities.

Who Should Participate?

This program is intended for educators who...

  • are interested in pursuing educational leadership credentials,
  • are currently pursuing educational leadership credentials,
  • hold educational leadership credentials but have not secured their first administrator position.

Benefits of Participating in the SAM Aspiring Principal Certification Program

Participants will...

  • Engage in interactive one-hour monthly evening sessions.
  • Focus on leadership development and administrative responsibilities.
  • Gain an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of educational leaders.
  • Engage in parallel conversations with current administrators
  • Connect with practicing principals and fellow program participants at the Montana Principals Conference, January 21-23, 2024 in Butte and receive a reduced conference registration rate (  Register as “Retired/Intern” for a reduced rate)
    Register as “Retired/Intern” for a reduced rate
  • Earn continuing education renewal units and a Certificate of Completion

Discussion Topics and Timeline:

Monthly Meeting Topics

September 20:  The Foundation

  • Uncovering your leadership strengths

  • Introduce the Professional Standards for Educational Leadership

October 18:  The Foundation

  • Understanding the role of a principal

November 15:  The Transformation

  • Dealing with difficult situations

  • Effective communication skills

December: No session

January 21-23:  The Transformation

  • Montana Principals Conference in Butte

    • Being an instructional leader

    • Building a leadership team and empowering staff

    • Establishing a work/life balance

February 21:  The Elevation

  • Leading school operations

  • Creating and sustaining a positive school culture

March 20:  The Promotion

  • Exploring Montana higher education programs

April 17:  The Promotion

  • Understanding the components of  application materials 

  • Anticipating and preparing for interview questions and scenarios 

*  All sessions will be held virtually from 7:00-8:00 pm


Sessions are scheduled virtually from September through April on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM.  Participants are encouraged to engage in parallel conversations with their current administrator to further the discussion outside of these monthly discussion meetings.

  • Preferred three years of experience as a teacher
  • Actively engaged in a building and/or district-level leadership team
  • Nomination or recommendation from an administrator
  • Completion of application by September 8, 2023 with administrator approval

School/District Responsibilities:

  • Recruit and nominate candidates for the program
  • Pay applicant's registration fee ($500)
  • Support candidates by furthering exploration of monthly topics with follow-up discussions and provide on-site leadership opportunities
  • Support attendance at the Montana Principal Conference, January 21-23, 2024 in Butte

Candidate Responsibilities:

  • Commitment to attending (virtually, being prepared, and engaging in and reflecting upon monthly interactive webinars)
  • Commitment to having parallel conversations with a current school administrator centered around monthly topics (preferably building administrator)
  • Commitment to attending the Montana Principal Conference, January 21-23, 2024 in Butte


Please submit nominations/registrations by September 8, 2023. 

SAM Aspiring Principal Certification Nomination/Registration Form