Volume XLVI                                July/August 2024

No. 341

In This Issue...

  1. MASS President Message 
  2. SAM Executive Director Message
  3. SAM AI Registration
  4. 2024-25 SAM LPLP Registration
  5. SAM/Affiliate Award Nominations
  6. Discover Bluum
  7. CoSN EmpowerED Superintendent Series

Upcoming Conferences,   
Meetings, & Events 

SAM Administrators Institute
July 22-24, 2024

MASS/MCASE/MACSS Fall Conference
September 23-24, 2024
GranTree, Bozeman

** View the full SAM Calendar**    

Thank you to this month's featured Business Partners!  Imagine_Learning_logo_full_mark_C@2x.png - 15.84 Kb

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SAM Leadership 

Carol Phillips
Julie Hornby
President Elect
Sara Novak
Past President  

 Rhiannon Beery
 Jason Slater
 President Elect
 Matt Lewis
 Vice President
 Sheri Heavrin
 Past President 
 Mark Goyette 
 Kelly Kinsey
 President Elect 
Travis Niemeyer
Vice President
Julie Hornby
Past President
Ted Miller
Ben Lambert
SAM Representatives
Joel Graves
Dan Grabowska
President Elect
Dale Olinger
Past President
Hannah Nieskens
Federal Relations Coordinator
Taylor Salmi
Katrina Chaney
Paul Kozlowitz
SAM Office
Dr. Rob Watson
Executive Director
 Kim Scofield
Director of Professional Learning & Member Services
 Marcus Meyer
Director of Operations, Membership & Finances



Recharge and Connect!
by Joel Graves, MASS President 

Dear SAM Members,

As the summer months approach, I want to emphasize the importance of taking time to recharge your personal batteries. The role of a school administrator is incredibly demanding, requiring long hours, difficult decisions, and a continuous outpouring of energy to support your students, staff, and community. It's essential to prioritize your own well-being during the summer break to ensure you return in the fall refreshed and ready to lead your school team with renewed vigor and success.

Summer offers a precious opportunity to engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Whether it's spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing a cherished hobby, or simply disconnecting from the relentless demands of work, make self-care a top priority. This rejuvenation will enable you to approach the new school year with clarity, enthusiasm, and the resilience necessary to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

Additionally, I encourage you to connect with your peers within the SAM community. School administration can be an isolating profession, but you are not alone. Within our organization, you'll find a network of dedicated professionals who understand the unique challenges you face. Don't hesitate to reach out, share your experiences, and seek advice from those who have navigated similar situations. Together, we can support and learn from one another, fostering a collective strength that will benefit us all.

SAM is here to provide a supportive and collaborative environment, where you can find camaraderie, guidance, and a shared commitment to excellence in education. Embrace the opportunities for professional growth and personal renewal that our organization offers.

As the summer unfolds, I wish you a season of rest, rejuvenation, and meaningful connections. Return in the fall with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to inspire and lead your school community to new heights of success.

Joel Graves
MASS President

The Road to Educational Vouchers in Montana has begun - stay informed

As you may have noticed, the opposition of educational vouchers made the short list of the SAM priorities as we head into the 2025 Legislative Session.  The priority list was established by the SAM delegates during the 2024 Delegate Assembly.

Educational vouchers are a mechanism designed to give families the ability to choose an educational path for their child, by using public dollars and redirecting those resources towards non-public education. Sometimes vouchers are used to pay for private school tuition and other times they are used to pay for homeschool programs or opportunities.

While universal vouchers have not yet made it to Montana, we are on the pathway to their full introduction. A simple check of other states, like Arizona, show that the pathway to universal vouchers is paved with legislation such as open enrollment, tax credits, and education savings accounts. All of these markers have passed in Montana. HB393, the education savings account for special education students, is still in litigation as MQEC has challenged the constitutionality of this bill.

We are predicting that a push towards universal vouchers will start with the 2025 legislative session. To that end, we believe it is important that all SAM members have some background information and context.

Types of Educational Vouchers

1. Traditional Vouchers: These provide families with public funding to pay for private school tuition. These vouchers are typically targeted at low-income families to enable their children to attend private schools that they otherwise could not afford.

2. Tax Credit Scholarships: These are slightly different from traditional vouchers. Instead of directly providing funds to families, tax credit scholarships offer tax credits to individuals and corporations that donate to scholarship-granting organizations. These organizations then provide scholarships to eligible students to attend private schools.

3. Vouchers for Disabled Students: Also known as special needs scholarships, these vouchers are designed specifically for students with disabilities. The funding can be used to attend schools that better accommodate their specific educational needs, whether these are private or homeschool programs.

4. Universal Vouchers: Unlike targeted vouchers, universal vouchers are available to all students regardless of their family's income or specific educational needs. The idea is to give every family the freedom to choose the best educational environment for their children.

Potential Harms: While the concept of educational vouchers aims to provide families with more choice and improve educational outcomes, it also comes with several potential drawbacks.

1. Redirection of Public Funds: One of the most significant concerns is that educational vouchers divert public funds from traditional public schools to private institutions. This can lead to reduced budgets for public schools, which may already be struggling with limited resources. As public schools serve the majority of students, a decrease in funding can negatively impact educational quality.

2. Lack of Accountability: Private or homeschool programs that receive voucher funds are often not held to the same accountability standards as public schools. This lack of oversight can result in varied educational quality and potentially misuse of public funds.

3. Equity and Access Issues: While vouchers are intended to provide more educational opportunities, they can sometimes exacerbate inequalities. Families with more resources and better knowledge of the system may be more able to take advantage of vouchers, leaving behind those who are less informed or lack the means to supplement voucher amounts for more expensive private school tuition.

Educational vouchers present a complex and multifaceted issue within the K-12 public education system. Understanding how they have been used and misused in other states is important. Engaging in informed discussions can help mitigate potential harms and ensure that all students have access to high-quality education.

Rob Watson,
SAM Executive Director 

2024 SAM Administrators Institute RegistrationSAMAI24_ with_registration.png - 153.28 Kb

ARE YOU REGISTERED for the SAM Administrators Institute, Leading Transformation:  Innovation, Inclusion, and Inspiration at the Best Western Great Northern in Helena July 22 - 24?  SAM AI is an essential summer professional learning opportunity you won't want to miss! Register now for this exciting event featuring 5 keynote presenters and 24 breakout sessions along with opportunities to connect with your colleagues.  

2024 SAM AI features an exciting lineup of keynote speakers: 

  • Ron Clark:  Get ready for an inspiring start to the 2024 SAM Administrators Institute.  The Ron Clark Academy is not only providing a pre-conference on Monday, July 22 from 8:00 - 11:30 but Ron Clark will also be kicking off the full conference at noon!  Ron Clark has been called “America’s Educator.” In 2000, he was named Disney’s American Teacher of the Year. He is a New York Times bestselling author whose book, The Essential 55, has sold over 1 million copies and has been published in 25 different countries. He has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and Oprah. Ms. Winfrey even named him as her first “Phenomenal Man.” His classes have been honored at the White House on three separate occasions. Ron’s teaching experiences in New York City are the subject of the uplifting film, The Ron Clark Story, starring Matthew Perry. The Ron Clark Academy serves as a training site for educators, and each year thousands of teachers and administrators from around the world visit the school to be trained in their methods for helping all students achieve success. 
    • Consider registering your educator team to attend the first day of SAM AI (which includes the pre-conference) for a deep dive into Ron Clark's transformative educational strategies, notably PBIS strategies designed to foster a supportive and successful learning environment. Don't miss this unique opportunity to bring fresh inspiration and proven techniques back to your district.  You will save $100 on your conference registration if you register a team of 5 or more non-SAM member educators.  
  • Tuesday, July 23 features Beth Houf  as the opening keynote presenter.  Beth Houf is the proud principal of Capital City High School in Jefferson City, Missouri. She is the Co-Author of Lead Like a PIRATE: Make School Amazing for Your Students and Staff. Beth serves as a facilitator for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Leadership Academy, providing monthly training to state educational leaders. Beth co-facilitates the NASSP Women in School Leadership Network and is a member of the NASSP Board of Directors.  Beth was named a Missouri Exemplary New Principal in 2011, the Missouri National Distinguished Principal for 2016, the 2019 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Principal of the Year, the EducationDive 2019 Principal of the Year, the 2021-2022 Missouri Secondary School Principal of the Year and the 2022 NASSP Principal of the Year. 
  • Wednesday, July 24 kicks off with Danielle Thompson presenting, Becoming a Literacy Leader.  Dr. Thompson is an experienced national consultant and trainer with a demonstrated impact in PreK-school age populations. She is a dynamic, fun, engaging human with tried and true experience in early childhood and school age language and literacy education, language development and disorders, reading acquisition and disorders, staff wellness and mindfulness, positive thinking and building positive change and momentum in schools.

Follow the links for conference registration, draft agenda, and hotel information: 

Be sure to join your colleagues who have already registered for this outstanding professional learning opportunity and time to connect!

2024-25 SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program Registration is Open

SAM is continuing the long standing tradition of providing a low cost 1-1 coaching/mentoring model with the SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program (LPLP).  If you are new to your position OR if you would benefit from a mentor, this is the right program for you. LPLP provides each person with an experienced mentor that will provide support through 1-1 conversations and check-ins throughout the school year. Remember that leadership can be a lonely job. The LPLP mentor can be a great resource for quick guidance or a confidential ear to provide a sounding board in difficult situations.

Register here:  2024-25 SAM LPLP 1-1 Leadership Coaching & Mentoring Registration Form

SAM and Affiliate Award Nominations are Open!

Nominations are now being accepted for the following awards and scholarship.  Who will you nominate to be recognized for their outstanding dedication to the education of the children in their school/district?  Please encourage aspiring administrators in your district to apply.

  • G.V. Erickson Award -  Nominations are open until Friday, September 27, 2024: The G.V. Erickson Award is given to a member of the School Administrators of Montana who has made the greatest contribution to the betterment of education in Montana; something that G.V. did throughout his career. This is the most honored award a school administrator of Montana can receive.
  • Erdie Memorial Scholarship - Applications will be accepted until Friday, September 27, 2024:  A Dr. Jay Erdie Memorial Mentor Scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded annually to a deserving educator. The purpose of the scholarship is to “train and mentor” new Montana school administrators. The scholarship will be awarded to a school administration candidate who plans to begin and/or complete his/her administrative credentials and intends to work in a Montana school district. Once the candidate has secured a position and notified the SAM office, a trained mentor will be provided through the SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program to assist during his/her first year on the job.
  • MASS Outstanding School Board of the Year Award - Applications will be accepted until Friday, September 27, 2024: The purpose of the award is to recognize and focus attention on the dedicated and ethical service rendered by school boards to the children of Montana.  Nominations for the MASS School Board Awards may be submitted by any Montana Superintendent of Schools. The MASS Executive Board recommends that each of the nine regions submit a nomination. Two Outstanding School Boards in Montana will be chosen. The winners will be announced at the annual MCEL meeting in October.
  • AASA Conference Incentive Award Applications will be accepted until Friday, September 27, 2024:  The Montana Association of School Superintendents Incentive Award Program is intended to provide a special opportunity for MASS members to attend the AASA National Conference on Education (NCE) that will be held in New Orleans, March 6 - 8, 2025.
  • MASSP Assistant Principal of the Year - Applications will be accepted until Friday, October 11, 2024:  This award recognizes outstanding school leaders who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students.  The program honors high school assistant principals who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of personal excellence; collaborative leadership; curriculum, instruction and assessment; and personalization.  To be eligible, the nominee must be an active assistant principal and have been an active assistant principal for at least three consecutive years.

Empower Your District's Future Today with Bluum 

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A logo with a blue and white circleDescription automatically generatedThe Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) and its Montana state affiliate chapter, Montana
Educational Technologists Association (META)
 are pleased to continue to support the work of current and aspiring superintendents and district leadership teams in leading all aspects of digital learning transformations.

 The CoSN Resource Library

In its role as the premier association designed to meet the ongoing digital transformation needs of K-12 district leaders, including superintendents, chief technology officers, school leaders and their teams, CoSN is pleased to offer easy access to the CoSN Resource Library, published on the CoSN website and open to anyone. Resources provided in the CoSN Resource library come in a variety of formats, including toolkits, documents, web pages, podcasts and webinars.

When one opens the link to the CoSN Resource Library a list with over 20 EdTech topics is readily available. One can filter a search for a specific individual topic or select “Any” to see an assortment of links to a variety of articles and tools. Below is a sample list of 10 of the current 20+ topic categories, each with its own multiple resources, available in the CoSN Resource Library:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Communications 
  3. Cybersecurity
  4. Data Management
  5. Disaster Preparedness
  6. Emerging Technologies
  7. Ethics and Policies
  8. K-12 Innovation
  9. Leadership
  10. Strategic Planning

The CoSN Resource Library is readily available at https://www.cosn.org/tools-resources/resource-library/

The CoSN Experience: The Ultimate Virtual Collaboration Series
In order to keep the learning and collaboration going beyond the recent CoSN 2024 conference, CoSN is now offering “The CoSN Experience.” This virtual collaboration series features monthly conversations and knowledge sharing. This inaugural series comprises six monthly live conversations, which commenced in April 2024 and will continue through November 2024. You are welcome to participate individually or as a team. For more details and access to registration information please visit https://www.cosn.org/event/the-cosn-experience/.

CoSN Membership:  If you, your school or district would like more information about joining CoSN or getting more involved with CoSN, please contact [email protected].

Thank you to SAM's Business Partners!  

Please take time to visit their websites.

Montana Big Sky Sponsors

Health Insurance
PO Box 4579
Helena, MT 59601
[email protected]
TEST_Logo+25th.png - 647.64 KbTotal Education Solutions in Technology
(T.E.S.T)  PO Box 2900Missoula, MT 59805
[email protected]
Imagine_Learning_logo_full_mark_C@2x.png - 15.84 Kb
K–12 online curriculum and blended learning
[email protected]
logo.png - 6.28 Kb
Empowering Teachers To Drive Their Own
Professional Learning
84 Sherman Street
Cambridge, MA 02140
[email protected]


Montana Glacier Sponsors

infinite_campus.jpg - 7.35 Kb

Infinite Campus is the largest American
owned student information system [email protected]


  boardworks.png - 76.54 Kb

A turn-key library of interactive lessons that enrich K-12 instruction
Erin Murphy

[email protected]

 McKinstry Logo.png - 7.39 Kb

Providing expertise in all phases of construction.         
[email protected]        

montanaschoolsplip.png - 19.74 KbSchool property & liability insurance      
1200 North Montana Ave. Helena, MT.  59601
[email protected] 
dadavidson.png - 4.89 Kb
Wealth management, investment
banking, trust & asset management
Bridget Ekstrom
[email protected]

Montana Mountain Sponsors

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions
34 West 6th Avenue, Suite 2B
Helena, MT 59601
[email protected]
BRUCO Lower Cost Logo.jpg - 883.12 Kb
Partners in Clean, Safe & Healthy Buildings
2525 Overland Avenue
Billings, MT 59102
[email protected]
Cognia_logo.png - 2.29 KbTargeted Professional Development
Daniel Sybrant
557 Cow Creek Lane
Corvallis, MT Daniel.Sybrant@
888-413-3669, ext. 5776
School portraits, yearbooks & sports portraits
2110 Overland Ave., #115A
Billings, MT 59102
Corebridge Logo.png - 20.25 Kb Corebridge Financial (formerly Valic)
Annuities, life insurance
430 Ryman St., #102
Missoula, MT 59892
RHM.png - 112.32 KbReach Higher Montana
Jason Butcher
Outreach Director
406-422-1275 Ext. 801
[email protected] 
msgia.png - 1.98 KbSchool Workers’ Compensation & Liability Coverage
PO Box 7029 - Helena, MT 59601
[email protected]
Phone: 406-457-4418
bluum logo.png - 4.16 KbPowering the Entire Education Ecosystem

Igor Valynski
[email protected]

lightspeedsystems.png - 5.95 Kb
Safe, Easily Managed School
106 East Sixth Street, Suite 500
Austin TX 48701
[email protected]  
Spectrum.png - 6.05 KbNational provider of scalable, fiber technology solutions
Spectrum Enterprises Local Contacts 
apptegy_logo.png - 6.26 Kb
Powering Your School’s Identity
2201 Brookwood Dr. Suite 115
Little Rock, AR 72202
[email protected]
Econergy Logo.jpg - 4.20 Kb

Saving schools and businesses money
Elhajamin Young
[email protected]

Parentsquare.png - 25.04 KbEverything you need to communicate, involve and collaborate with families for student success

6144 Calle Real #200a
Goleta, CA 93117

[email protected]

DiscoveryEducation_LOGO_(pos_4c) (1).png - 151.82 KbGiving educators innovative ways to design and deliver engaging learning experiences every day.
1547 Gable Drive
Coopersburg, PA 18036
Allison Nys
[email protected]
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 10.45.06 AM.png - 12.78 Kb
ILG Technologies:  Your dedicated IT department at the touch of a button
[email protected]
Just Right Reader logo.png - 2.50 KbAccelerate reading achievement with Science of Reading Decodables

Dani Rice

[email protected]

Stopit Solutions Logo.png - 6.08 Kb

STOPit Safety and Wellness Solutions
Richelle Stanz
[email protected]


Montana Meadow Sponsors

45 Arch Logo.jpg - 488.12 Kb 
Collaborating with you to innovate
1627 W. Main Street Suite #325
Bozeman, MT 59715
[email protected]  
k12 montana logo.png - 26.83 Kb
K12 Montana, Inc.
Creator of K12 Panel -
Making IT work for you!
Jeff Patterson
[email protected] 
GotZoom.png - 9.87 KbSystems and applications to reduce
the financial burden of federal student loans
[email protected]

pinecove.jpg - 8.18 Kb

Technology planning, project  &
solution  services
2135 Charlotte Street
Bozeman MT 59718
[email protected] 
FirstCall_logo.jpg - 21.33 Kb
Managed IT Services, Advanced
Services, Product Procurement
500 N Higgins Ave #201
Missoula, MT 59802
[email protected]