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Sunday, January 21  

Montana Principals Conference 2024 Day 1

 Opening Keynote: Modernizing Assessment to Humanize Education

Tyler Rablin

Our assessment practices dictate the values we hold about education, and that's true now more than ever as AI becomes an ever-growing reality of our world. How do we rethink our assessment practices to emphasize the process of learning over the product of it, and how does this shift impact the social-emotional well-being, the resilience, and the motivation of the students we serve in our classrooms?

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Professional Bio: Tyler Rablin  

MPC 2024 Recording Cover Slides.pptx.png - 240.15 Kb

Presentation Materials 

What will you do with your gift? - Dr. Mark Wilson

The opportunity to lead others is an amazing gift. You can do things others only dream about... changing lives, making a difference. Yet, some school administrators get stuck in trying just to survive and miss out on the best of the job. Dr. Mark Wilson challenges you to examine the gift you've been given and what you might do with it.

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Professional Bio: Dr. Mark Wilson

MPC 2024 Recording Cover Slides.pptx (1).png - 234.11 Kb