00:13:19 Michelle Halberg: Welcome everyone! Thank you for joining our session. Please place your questions in the chat and I’ll help bring them to the attention of Jenifer or Mandi. 00:16:19 Michelle Halberg: OPI Special Ed website: http://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Teaching-Learning/Special-Education/COVID-19-Special-Education-Information#93815610-federal-guidance 00:28:46 Pam Pettigrew: I agree with Michelle whole heartedly! 00:37:09 Pam Pettigrew: You are all doing great with zoom. 00:41:53 Michelle Halberg: Has anyone else in the audience have experience with EAP or IEP Facilitation? Please share. 00:46:16 Mary Meehan: Evergreen has had the opportunity to have an IEP facilitation. It seems that when PLUK was no longer available to parents as partners in the IEP process, IEP facilitation became a go to for some parents. The facilitator helped us come to closure with a parent who had a need for partnership. 00:49:02 Michelle Halberg: Thanks, Mary! Parent advocates are so different than trained IEP facilitators. When they are with parents that is a good thing as parents seem to be willing to express their thoughts and feelings with the IEP facilitator. 00:58:20 Mary Meehan: One aspect of services that will be a challenge is those students requiring significant hands on support for personal care and staff/parent concerns regarding interacting and providing appropriate services for students who do understand or adhere to physical distancing. 01:01:47 C Hall: Am wondering about MANDT and the current concern with Covid???? 01:03:05 Karen Underwood: Dale Kimmet is able to offer recertification of MANDT this fall as well as the opening modules with the latter physical modules to follow... 01:03:38 Mary Meehan: I think the de-escalation techniques with MANDT and CPI have to continue to be the emphasis. 01:04:29 Karla Miller: Could you repeat what you said about Prior Written Notice? 01:09:22 Mandi Gibbs: http://opi.mt.gov/Portals/182/Page%20Files/Special%20Education/Guides/PWN%20QA%202.5.18.pdf Prior Written Notice Q & A 01:11:50 Liz English: Yes! I would love to be invited in to those 01:11:58 Karla Miller: Yes, I would be interested! 01:12:07 C Hall: Yes, I would be interested 01:12:32 Jenifer Cline: Jenifer.cline@mt.gov 01:12:35 Mandi Gibbs: mgibbs@mt.gov Mandi 01:13:51 Mary Meehan: Thank you 01:13:53 Darin Hannum: Thank you all 01:13:55 Wade Sundby: Thanks! 01:13:58 Allyson Robertus: Yes I would be interested in them. 01:13:59 C Hall: Thank you All! 01:14:07 Pam Pettigrew: Thanks All. You do geek out sometimes Jenifer.